Need a logo?

I'm a logoist.
(Yes, that's entirely a word.)
I do L-O-G-O-S. And nothing else.
And I've been doing it for almost 30 years.
CLICK on LOGOFOLIO to see a fraction
of my work over the years.
...to my abridged and simple logofolio. Or is it portlogos...? Not sure anymore. Anyway here's a glimpse of my work, which accounts for a small percentage of all the projects I've done over my near 30 years as a logoist. Some are clients, other essays, studies or rejected submissions, some are even tributes, but they all share one thing: they have been crafted or tweaked to be distinctive and memorable. A few of these are up for sale so ask me! VIEWING TIME ~5'00. You can hover your mouse cursor over/tap on each logo slide to get more info. Press the START button to get into position and begin!
2009 / B-TEMIA
hi-tech » bespoke typography
This company makes one of the most advanced lower-body exoskeletons in the world, for various applications.

You can see their extraordinary products here: http://www.b-temia.com
2018 / Sweet & Slow
food » existing typography
This clever creation uses a sloth and a wrapper to illustrate that candy is always more enjoyable when eaten slowly, also a nod to the name of the store.

This logo and its name are for sale! Too good not to be used so if you're planning a candy store, just contact me for the details!
2003 / Tipi Art Studio
art » bespoke typography
A logo representing the tip of a pencil, which also forms a tipi. A pencil stroke depicts the smoke, while the custom typography hints at the roots of the ownership.
2007 / Envol
undetermined » modified typography
This logo, called a logotype, uses parts of two letters to form a bird, which represents the meaning of the word itself, as "envol" in French translates to "taking flight". Beautiful, simple, elegant. Could be applied to several types of businesses, and it is for sale!
2018 / Studio 54
nitelife » existing & modified typographies
If the most famous night club in the world re-opened, this would be its "new" logo. A mixture of old and new, this creation is an homage to the glorious seventies, and its not-so-glorious parties.
2014 / Fearless Squirrel
extreme sports » existing typography
Only a squirrel would understand.
2013 / Sparta of London
fine writing instruments » existing typography
This logo uses the tip of a traditional pen to depict a spartan battle mask, with the decorative front facing crest forming Big Ben.
2020 / Sweet Spot
food » existing typography
Logo for an application & website dedicated to finding the best and closest dessert establishments near you, using a map marker doubling as a bee.
2015 / Voyages Humania
travel » bespoke typography
Humania is a travel agency based in Quebec City which offers carbon neutral tourism and is dedicated to traveling efficiency. The logo represents an arm-raised human being in the center of a green earth, while the bespoke lettering outlines various destinations.
2005 / Chat Noir
fashion » bespoke & existing typographies
Chat Noir is a fashion label, using the letter A to form the cat in its name.
2020 / Café L'Associé
coffee shop » bespoke & existing typographies
L'Associé, which translates to "The Associate", is a coffee shop/meeting place. The logo is an obvious depiction of a handshake forming a coffee cup, with the bespoke letter "a" also acting as heat coming from the hot beverage.
1997 / Digital Catch
computer programming » existing typography
One of my oldest creations! Using only keyboard symbols and special characters to create a fish, this unusual arrangement makes for a very distinctive logo. A well-chosen existing typeface complements the business' sector of activities.
2018 / Vincent Joseph, CPA
accounting services » existing typography
Using the client's initials, I created a perfectly symmetrical triangular crest-type logo, using a renowned but classic font to complete the effect.
2013 / Ecolibri Nature Excursions
outdoors » existing typography
By simply combining the right colours and a well-crafted glyph, we end up with a once again clever design which incorporates multiple, subtle messages. The name of the company being a mash-up of ecology and colibri (hummingbird in English), the result came almost as instantly as the colours did.
2019 / Brie Larson
actress » existing typography
If Captain Marvel needed a logo, then this would be it. I like Brie Larson as an actress, but more importantly as a human being, and so one day I decided to make her a logo that would be her. This was the result.
2020 / Effiscience
health & rehab » existing typography
Effiscience is a mash-up of the words "efficiency" and "science", but also a play on words because in French, efficiency is pronounced effee-see-huhce (weird to describe!). So using the first letter of both words, I designed a glyph which represents the long road to recovery and/or good health, with its many obstacles, but which is accomplished very smoothly with the help of Effiscience's professional team.
2020 / Fogo Island Inn
lodging » existing typography
One of the very best lodging establishments in Canada, run by some of its best people. Fogo Island Inn is a five-star hotel located in Newfoundland, on a piece of land that is both mesmerizing and peaceful. The building's unique architecture and the spot on which it sits makes for a fabulous vacation retreat, away from anything remotely stressful. I used a portion of its structure with land and sky to create a beautiful and distinguished badge, one of four concepts I sent their owners. While they have chosen to keep their current logotype, this logo is one of my favorites, and would look spectacular at the hotel's entrance. You can visit their website here:

2020 / Stark Industries (Marvel Comics)
armament » bespoke & existing typographies
As a kid I read Iron Man. It was my favorite comic because Tony Stark had no superpowers but used his extreme genius mind to do good and just things. He was flawed, but hey, who isn't? I created this logo in the image of Stark Industries, to give it a modern, cutting-edge, and distinctive look. The S is made up of triangular parts that symbolize construction, which are skewed to give it a dynamic impression, as well as a process. Letters are bespoke and reflect its visionary leaders.

I've always thought that the modern logo version of the fictional Stark Industries was a little bland. Sent this version to Kevin Feige. Hey, maybe Marvel will eventually use it...
2021 / Impak Marketing
marketing » existing typography
The glyph of this logo is of course a meteorite crashing on land and making an "impact", espousing the name of the company beautifully. This idea came to me within five seconds of hearing the name.
2022 / Stack
storage » existing typography
Using squares and a rectangle to form a letter S, the glyph represents a stack of boxes, but also efficiency. Very simple, but also subtle. I love to create things that make people think.
2022 / Planète Fitness Gym
health & fitness » existing typography
One of Quebec City's best-established gyms needed a complete logo redesign, and this was the owner's final choice. Using the concept of a "universe meeting in one place to train", I designed this logo with this in mind, making a rocket out of the letter A by moving it slightly out of alignment of the others. Subtle, simple, powerful and beautiful.
2022 / Vestigium Biometrics
technology » existing typography
I was "challenged" by someone recently to create a biometrics company's logo which would contain all scanning areas currently used by the technology and find a name for it as well. Well, there you go. Took me an hour. Challenge needs to be harder!
2022 / Jennifer Garner
actress » highly modified typography
It's always a bit harder to craft a logo about someone using their initials. This type of logo, called a monogram, represents a person, and so brings a level of complexity that simply isn't there for other entities. Especially when you haven't spent a single minute in that person's presence. BUT, for the longest time, Jennifer Garner has probably been my favorite person in the entire world whom I have never met. I admire her not because of what she does, but because of what she is. Like a ballerina en pointe, this little masterpiece of a monogram depicts strength, power and grace, as well as fluidity, in an ultimate homage to her person. Thank you Jennifer, you're awesome.
B-TEMIA / 2009
From scratch, Jean-François has been able to symbolize my vision and create the starting point of our corporate branding. He possesses a deep imagination, and this explicit ability to truly think out of the box and bring something entirely new to the table is what I wanted. If you want a distinctively awesome signature, J.-F. is your guy.
— Stéphane BÉDARD, President & CEO
We didn’t really know what we wanted to have as a logo for our store, but J.-F. showed us what we needed in record time. We now have a novel and world-class identity that will actually grow with our business. Truly hats off to his fabulous creativity and extreme professionalism!
— Peter Wells, Owner
Great is our satisfaction with what J.-F. presented to us as a logo for our company. It stands out with its unique typography and its badge which completely defines our environmental values. What a talent and what a capacity for comprehension and professionalism! A great artist, we could not have hoped for better!
— Martin CORBIN, President
Latest creation » 2023.06.05
Highwire Films
A new image for a new studio. Simple, eloquent, appropriate. Everything a great logo should be.
stacked / glyph + existing typography

The logo for Highwire Films, depicting a roll of film balancing in the middle of two pole forming the letter H.

About moi...

AS FAR BACK AS I CAN REMEMBER, logos were my thing. Breathing too, but that’s true for everyone or else we die. At five years old I was already obsessed with professional sports teams’ logos, always trying to reproduce them by hand but not quite succeeding to my satisfaction. I guess being a perfectionist goes back far for me. Fast forward to 1995, when I was introduced to the awesome world of digital creation through graphic design software, buying my first PC, a powerful $5000 NEC 486! Finally! Pixel-perfect designs!

While I have worked on many types of enterprises throughout my life that have nothing to do with logos—and I still do—the one constant thing has effectively always been the creation of them.

I AM, THEREFORE, A LOGOIST. I don’t do it because I have to, I do it because I love to. I let minimalism, symmetry and simplicity guide my process, and every single project I undertake is driven by vision, passion and pride (that's FIERTÉ, in French). Oh and I also love fried foods, sugar-free Red Bull, and gummy bears (them little cola bottles are awesome!)—everything a growing boy needs for a healthy and productive creative process without boundaries!


For starters, I dedicate myself to a result, not the hours.

That’s why my remuneration is simple (only 3 options), typography-based, and all-inclusive. Obviously, any logo project which does not require typography defaults to OPTION 1. Furthermore, in some rare glyph creation cases which are more complex (i.e. Unilever logo), a fee increase may be needed. And for start-ups or non-profits that may have access to very limited funds, I also offer favorable pricing so ask me, as it's always a privilege to be able to help! All prices are in Canadian funds Have a question about pricing? Then just contact me!

$ 1950.00
Existing typography.

An existing typography is a font (or typeface) which already exists and is royalty-free.

$ 2750.00
Modified typography.

A modified typography is a font (or typeface) which has been tweaked and/or changed in any way, to give it a further distinctive feel and look.

$ 6000.00
Bespoke typography.

A bespoke typography is a font (or typeface) which is created from scratch, and thus exclusive and very distinctive. A "bespoke" typo in a project involves the creation of at least 4 letters.

of my logo work has been option 1.
of my logo work has been option 2.
of my logo work has been option 3.


& FAQs
You will find below all the documentation you need to evaluate further my work, and decide whether my services are worth your money. The title of each document is self-explanatory, and I hope you will appreciate them as much as I have had the pleasure of creating them. Some offer bilingual versions, but all include English. Thanks for downloading and viewing!

The Pedantic Words of the day

Person who creates logos, exclusively; a word so new that it is not yet found in dictionaries;

Not to be confused with EGOIST, which means something else entirely.

A word that makes, strictly speaking, no sense whatsoever, until you learn the significance of LOGOIST; the action of creating logos;

NOT a Mandarin word, or city in China.
BROUGHT TO YOU BY : The Oxford Dictionary & Thesaurus
...(NO, not really.)


Funny stats
logo projects of all kinds
Stimulated, nourished & fueled by :
11 trips
to Sin City, U.S.A.
30 000+
hours of entertainment
of sugar-free Red Bull
of various fried foods
cola gummies (love 'em!)
Please note that I also consume other much healthier foods & beverages which
complement my nutritional sustenance. Thanks for your concern!


1. Are you on social medias?


No, I'm not. And don't plan to be. EVER. I've created this basic website (and I've tried to make it fun), which serves my needs very well. I care nothing for social media, especially since I’ve made it this far without it. Besides, social media in its various forms now resembles a colossal, incurable metastasized digital cancer, and I actively try to avoid those.

2. Then surely you have a YouTube channel...?


Yes, I do. But I don’t use it...yet. Maybe in the future if I have something relevant to contribute. As for teaching, it is an art...there are splendid teachers on the Web for you to find. I’m simply not cut out for that. And besides, art cannot be taught...it is innate. You can certainly develop it, but you have to have it in the first place. So if you want a premium logo with lasting oomph, then yeah, I’m your guy. Teaching? Not so much.

3. Who do you admire in the graphic design world?


It took me 25 years to decide on a web presence for myself, and I didn't even know who the late Paul Rand was (not to be confused with Rand Paul, who is an awful U.S. politician and an even worse human being) up until a few months ago (love that Westinghouse logo!) simply because I never felt the need to inquire further on this subject. I've always done my thing alone and was never truly interested in the graphic design field, probably because I specialize in logos and wasn't curious enough to explore it. Among the very few names I'm now aware of, I guess I'd say Aaron Draplin, not so much because he's an awesome designer, but because he's an awesome human being and you can't help but admire his obvious passion for his craft too.

4. Your pricing seems high/low compared to...


These are the prices I'm comfortable with. Actually my pricing hasn't changed all that much in 25 years, just the way I scale it now. If you consider that a logo is supposed to be a long-term expense/investment for an entity/project, it becomes clear that my prices are extremely reasonable. While I fully understand the reasons why a top marketing or graphic design firm will charge upwards of $30 000 for a logo, I still can't bring myself to bill those kinds of amounts, even though my work delivers the same results. While the logo plays a pivotal part in defining an identity (and consequently its brand), I've always maintained that genius and greed must not be tethered, so that creativity doesn't become overpriced. Corporations willing to pay this much money for a logo can entirely afford it, but at the same time, why would they? Is this a clout thing?...I don't know. I just know that in the end, I'm perfectly content charging these prices to Pfizer or Marvel Studios as I am to a local coffee shop or hair salon. And to be clear, YES, any of my logos will rival any other created by prestigious firms, so if paying more means elevated status, you can always say what you want...just don't show them the invoice!...I won't mind!

5. What is your lead time for completing a project?


Well, this obviously depends on a multitude of factors, not the least of which is the client's total satisfaction. Since I charge an all-inclusive fee for a project, the only true variant which needs to be established is the budget I'll be working with. After this is determined, I'm off with the information provided and my creativity and research take care of the rest. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Yes, I do impose a time limit on a project, but I'm very generous in that regard, even with revisions. Of course if I realized during the process that I can't deliver the result I'm paid for, then I would simply terminate the project and the client would ultimately end up paying nothing (that's zero, including the reimbursement of the small deposit I ask for at the start, which is normally NOT refundable). I say *would* because this situation has never occurred in more than 27 years of creating logos, and I have the utmost confidence in my abilities as a logoist. I will find the solution, and it will kick ass. It's as simple as that.

6. Because of your vast experience, do you critique other people's work?


NEVER. Unless I’m specifically asked to do so and even then, it would be a private process between the person asking and myself, and no one else. I would never use another artist’s work to promote myself, nevermind without their express permission. There are entirely too many graphic designers and marketing experts out there doing that under the guise of “helping” others. While their intentions may be genuinely sincere in some cases, you don’t take it upon yourself to evaluate other people’s work unless you are implicitly asked. As competent as you may be, this is arrogant to say the least. In fact there are a few well-known logos which are either boring, average or in some rare cases downright ugly, but you'll never know which ones because I'll always refrain from pointing them out publicly, as it would serve no purpose whatsoever. Want my help on a logo you've designed but are in limbo with? Drop me a line, and I'll give you direction for free with great pleasure...between the two of us!

7. Something people don't know about you?


That I used to be an elite bodybuilder (and truly hardcore! I'm talking Dorian Yates hardcore here, for those who know who that is...). I even won the title of Mr. Canada in 1990! A lifetime ago though...In fact my work ethic comes in part from my bodybuilding background (quite simply, the hardest sport in the world). I was also one of those cerebral athletes, always wanting to comprehend the physiological processes by which my body reacted the way it did, and so over the years I acquired an enormous breadth of knowledge pertaining to the human body, which...unfortunately...has nothing to do with logos.

8. I need a logo. I want it to resemble _________. Can you do that?


Yeah...N-O. Logo creation doesn't work like that. While this isn't rocket science, it does present intricate challenges and thought processes that need to be structured, so what is "trending", or some other entity's logo which was created expressly for it, is not at all the way to proceed. I've always stayed away from trends, which come and go on a yearly basis and may impede the ability to focus on the right elements that will produce a timeless result. Never was a "trender" to begin with, so this is an easy pass for me. Now, when I say that I let minimalism, symmetry and simplicity guide my creation process, it really means that in the end, these qualities emerge from the resulting image. I never set out to create something while keeping a few key words in mind that might skew my creative instincts sideways and pollute the result. The client is always free to provide me with some specs or wishes, and I may try to incorporate them in the design if possible. However the goal is to come up with the best possible logo for a project's ID needs, and this should be prioritized above all else. Trends are invented and set forth by people like Meryl Streep's detestable character in the movie The Devil Wears Prada...truly laughable people who think they have some sort of power over society. And the truth is, of course they do since society loves to be told what to do. But a brilliant designer stays away from that, not as a form of rebellion, but as a natural artistic reflex. And no, I couldn't care any less about Pantone's "color of the year" ritual or the "golden ratio".

9. I read somewhere that there are logo design "rules" to a great logo...?


I guess there are basic ones, which doesn't mean you can't deviate a little and still end up with an awesome identifier. Because that's what a logo does: it IDENTIFIES. So there's your first so-called rule, but it's a pretty obvious one. And while a logo serves to ID, it doesn't mean that it can't say something as well, so in the end, recognition can also become a message. Relevancy is certainly another, but then again, Apple's logo has nothing to do with their products, so there ya go. Let's see...what else? Simplicity? Yes, but that's not a rule, it's the result of great design and doesn't need to be "applied". Besides, logos can be fun without being overly complicated. I'll tell ya, some of these 100K logos out there are bland to the point of intellectual laziness!...As for originality or distinctiveness, this is another "rule" that comes naturally, so there's ultimately no need to keep it in mind. For me, symmetry (and visual balance or relation between fonts and/or shapes) is the most important "rule", and maybe the only one you truly need to focus on from beginning to end, because the human eye is unforgiving, and this whether or not the beholder possesses graphic design notions of any kind.

10. I need a poster. Can I hire you?


No. L-O-G-O-S. They have several names : glyphs, badges, icons, emblems, symbols, seals, crests, insignias, and a slew of other synonyms that describe them, take your pick, I do those. So again, if your project doesn't involve creating, refining, modifying or redesigning a logo, I'm not your guy. HOWEVER, every once in a while I'll have an idea for some kind of digital art project that I may or may not sell, and if so this will be viewable/available through my landing page.

11. Favorite part of logo designing?


Starting from scratch, creating. You have no idea how exciting it is for me to be able to create something and give it life, of sorts. The part I hate most? Delivery of the files to the client, which means that the project is over.

12. I need the full set (alphabet) of an entirely custom font. Can you do that?


Yes. Although I'm not a font creator, custom lettering is a part of logo design & creation. This is, however, a costly and lengthy process, works on an entirely different level than a logo alone, and generally only applies to corporations looking to build a truly distinct image or branding. My fee for such a project averages $40K (exclusive and perpetual ownership by the client) and can take at least three months to complete. I also ask for an upfront 50% of the fee, with the other half payable upon completion and satisfaction.

13. Do you take on clients who have no idea what they want?


Of course! It's my job to find a solution, isn't it? I'm more than happy to show them what they need, and it's up to me to do it in my capacity as a logoist. I don't need direction, I need information. :)

14. But if ever needed, how fast could you create a world-class logo?


By all means, challenge me.

Let's create a world-class logo.


I don’t care whether your future logo will serve a Fortune 500 company, a street-corner bakery, or a porn star's website (how's that for variety, huh?)...

I care only about finding the best visual ID for your enterprise, whatever it may be. There’s a sea of brilliant digital artists out there...so, what exactly sets me apart? Well, I’m wicked good at finding ID solutions, I certainly think outside the box, and I can make a logo out of anything, but beyond all that and more importantly, three words :


I don’t count the hours, and when I commit to a project, I focus on it until it is done and dusted. A new project for me means one thing: the exciting opportunity to create something from scratch with lasting impact. And at a fraction of the price of established marketing and graphic design firms. I’m based in Canada and can work in either English or French, having no true preference. By using a simple form which you'll receive after first contacting me (below) and which obligates you to absolutely nothing, send me your information so that we can begin the process of creating the best logo for your needs, and the pylon of an impactful identity.

Yours awaits.

My artistic signature, which consists of my initials, JFB, with my title of master rlogoist.

Hire me.

To begin the process, drop me a line and include your contact info and a short description of your project! You can also ask me any logo-related question here! Looking forward to hearing your story! That's a lot of exclamation points! Ok I'll stop now.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
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NOTA BENE: I don't create anything that I consider hateful or toxic, not because I'm a progressive or even a liberal (I care absolutely nothing for politics or labels), but because I'm a human being, being humane. So OF COURSE I reserve the right to refuse a project based on my evaluation of this simple secular notion.
*Please note that all fields are required to send form.
Yeah, I do logos.

I'M BASED in Québec City, Canada...where it is clean and beautiful and everyone (well, almost everyone) is nice and polite, but where we also pay way too much tax on every freakin' level. Oh and we have harsh, shitty winters that bring no in-city value whatsoever, so yeah, with all that goodness, I may be looking to move eventually!

Let's see here...Iceland, Ireland, Malta, Ibiza...